Better With You Alive (BWYA) Privacy Policy

Who we are

BWYA Privacy Policy

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BWYA Privacy Policy

We use web measurement and customization technologies, such as cookies, to help our website function better for visitors and to better understand how the public is using our website.

We use session cookies to gather data for technical purposes, such as enabling better navigation through our website and generating aggregated statistics about how the website is used.

Session cookies are temporary text files that expire when you leave our website. When cookies expire, they are automatically deleted from your computer. We do not use session cookies to collect PII, and we do not share data collected from session cookies.

We use multi-session cookies, a.k.a. persistent cookies, to customize our website for frequent visitors and to test variations of website design and content. Multi-session cookies are cookies that are stored over more than a single session on your computer. We do not use multi-session cookies to collect PII, and we do not share data collected from multi-session cookies. Our multi-session cookies are set to expire two years after your last visit to our website. After two years, they are automatically deleted from your computer. 

You can take action to block cookies. Blocking these cookies from your computer will not affect your access to the content and tools on our website.


If you send us an e-mail or send a message via our Contact Form or publications order form, your identity and the contents of your message are covered by the Privacy Act. Be assured that:

  • The information will not be shared with anyone, not on the staff of BWYA or The National Hotline.
  • Your e-mail address will not be provided to any third party or used for any electronic mailing lists— government or private.
  • We do not create individual profiles with the e-mail information you provide or give it to any other organizations.
  • The e-mail material, including your e-mail address and/or name, will in no way be correlated or linked to the material that is automatically collected as described above. The only exceptions to item 4 above would be pursuant to a bona fide Court Order.
  • We do not collect information for commercial marketing.

The use we will make of your information is to:

  • Consider your suggestions.
  • Possibly respond directly to you for clarification.
  • Try and answer your questions if you ask them.

This site “BWYA” is maintained by the Ehihi Dominion Int

For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software programs to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. In the event of authorized law enforcement investigations and pursuant to any required legal process, information from these sources may be used to help identify an individual.


If you have any questions about BWYA, please feel free to visit our contact form. If you also have any questions about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline privacy policy, please feel free to visit their contact form.

The Information Center provides information about mental health for users of mental health services and their families, policymakers, providers, the media, and the public. Our staff members are skilled at listening and responding to questions from the public and professionals. They can quickly direct callers to any available resources around you. The Information Center may also have information on grants, conferences, prevention, mental health, and other awareness events.


Our Web site will sometimes link to another website that is not owned or operated by BWYA. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site. This includes the sites that you may link to through our search engine.


Most text materials on this Web site are in the public domain. We followed the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline guidelines on the utilization of the text on their site. Some of the graphic materials on this site are in the public domain and other graphics may be used with permission, but that permission does not necessarily extend to all. If you have any permission questions, please visit our contact form.


Image Credits & Sources

Whenever possible, we have used images and photography on the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website that have been shared publicly with us or our partners. Additional images that have been sourced are used under the Creative Commons License.